Purchase licences


Under Purchase licences, you manage the number of licences for your subscription. You can always see how many licences you have bought in the subscription period, and how many available licences you have that can be used for new users. It is also here you adjust the number of licences for your next payment period, if you get less users.


The section is divided into two sections: Licences and Modules (if they are activated). You can thereby see how many licences you make use of from the total number of licences, which you have bought for this subscription period. From this page, you can buy extra licences or scale down the number of licences, if needed.

If you have activated new users without available licences, it will be marked with red. You thereafter have seven days to buy extra licences, otherwise the user(s) will be deactivated again.

When you want to buy more licences, click the Purchase more licences button. Now you can enter the number of licences you would like to buy in the Buy column.

When you buy extra licences, you will be asked to approve the extra cost. It may take a few minutes before you can see the change of your licences after approval. The invoice for the purchased licences will take its point of departure in the remaining period of your current payment period.

For the next payment period, you will automatically get an invoice for the total number of purchased licences.

Down scaling licences for the next payment period

If you know that you will have more or less users in the next payment period, you can always manually down scale the number of licences in the Next period column. Here you click the pencil and write the number of licences, which you would like to link to your next payment period.

You can only down scale the number of licences, and there should be at least 1 licence. If you would like to scale down to 0 licences, please contact support@timelog.com to terminate your subscription.

It is important that you do this before the next payment period starts, as it is your responsibility to maintain the correct number of licences that you need. Your down scaling happens automatically, when you are invoiced the next time.

If you have down scaled to too few licences compared to the number of active users, the recently created users will automatically be deactivated within seven days, unless you purchase new licences. Remember to deactivate the users on their employee cards, when you scale down the number of licences.

Special remarks

You will receive a confirmation e-mail, when you buy or scale down licences. It will also be visible in the action log, which you find in the menu to the left.

If you scale down the number of licences for the next subscription period, and hereafter buys more licences, the number of licences for the next subscription period will automatically be adjusted to the number of purchased licences. If you would still like to scale down the number of licences for the next period, you need to adjust this again.

It is only users with access to My TimeLog account that have access to see this information. You can also select, if a role has access to buy/down scale licences.
You can link My TimeLog account to a role under System administration -> Employees -> Roles and rights management.

Last updated 21 Jun 2023