Simple setup of absence codes


Absence code are used by your employees to register e.g. vacation or illness in the system.


On this page, you can create, edit and delete absence codes to match your reporting needs.

As default, you see the codes Vacation and Illness.

Creating a new absence code

You create a new absence code by clicking the New absence code button, which opens up your edit options.

The first three are shown for the employees in the timesheet:

  • Sorting: Here you enter which sorting the code should have in the timesheet
  • Name: Here you enter the name to be shown for your employees in the timesheet
  • Description: Here you enter information about the code, so you employees have no doubt that this is the right code to register their time on

The remaining options are only visible to you as system administrator:

  • Absence type: Here you select if the absence code belongs to the type Illness, Vacation, Absence non-compensated or Absence, compensated. The selection is used to provide overview in reports, where you can gather registrations for different absence codes
    o Illness: Is used to register when your employees were sick or e.g. had rehabilitation.
    o Vacation: Is used to register when your employee have vacation
    o Absence, non-compensated: Is used to register absence where you pay for the time you spend yourself. It could be self-paid education
    o Absence, compensated: Is typically used to register absence where the company pays for the time you spend. It could e.g. be maternity leave
  • Format: Here you select to register in Hours, Full days or Half and full days. We recommend that codes related to illness are typically set to Hours, where vacation and e.g. maternity leave are set to Half or full days.
  • Calculation method: Decides if time is added or subtracted from the balance of the absence code. You get the overview and assign days/hours via the Salary management.
  • At the bottom, you can select if the code should add to the flex account

Depending on your setup of TimeLog, you have a number of options to the right. You can mark if time registered on the code should be

Remember to click Save, once you have made your settings.

Maintaining absence codes

If no changes are made to your local or collective agreements, you do not need to change the codes. They automatically run from year to year based on your settings.

If you do need to change one or more codes, we recommend you to create a new and deactivate the current one. This is among other things to ensure that the calculations are done correctly and that there will be no doubt about the conversion, if you change from one format to another.

A rule of thumb is that if you would like to change the way to register, the format or the absence type for a code, you should create a new one.

If you use a salary integration

If you use one of TimeLog’s standard integrations for salary systems, you can for each code decide if it should be included in the export for the salary system and which code the registrations should be transferred to in the salary system.

Please note: This does not apply for the Zenegy integration.

Last updated 21 Jun 2023