Salary codes


Salary codes are e.g. used to calculate flex compared to the normal working time entered in TimeLog.


On this page, you see the salary codes Project work and Agreed working time, which are necessary for the system to calculate e.g. flex correctly for your employees. If you click to edit the codes, you have the option to change:

  • Sorting: Here you enter which sorting the code should have in the timesheet
  • Name: Here you enter the name to be shown for your employees in the timesheet
  • Description: Here you enter information about the code, so you employees can see the description in the timesheet and have no doubt that this is the right code to register their time on

Advanced salary management

If you need more codes to e.g. control overtime and time off in lieu, you need to make use of our advanced salary time registration, which you enable on the front page of the system administration under Staff management.

Once you have enabled the function, you need to go to Employees -> Employee module settings to and select to activate both salary accounts and salary time specification, which enabled you to create more salary codes and show them in the timesheet for your employees.

You may read more about the advanced salary time management here.

If you use a salary integration

If you use one of TimeLog’s standard integrations for salary systems, you can for each code decide if it should be included in the export for the salary system and which code the registrations should be transferred to in the salary system.

Please note: This does not apply for the Zenegy integration.

Last updated 21 Jun 2023