Indexation of selected hourly rates


Here you can read about how to index selected hourly rates in TimeLog via Projects -> Index hourly rates. You can index your hourly rates used on customers, projects and contracts or choose to index selected hourly rates.


We recommends you to complete the general indexation on customer, project or contract level. If you have single hourly rates on project that should not be indexed or need a special indexation, you can filter on selected hourly rates. You can also choose to index price lists instead.

You select your level in the view options in the right side of the filter. It is a good idea to start at the highest level possible that makes sense to your and your company. This provides you with less results in your next searches.

An example:

You know you have customers that should get a general price indexation of all hourly rates no matter how many projects or contracts each customer has. Here you select the view option Index customers in the filter and make your indexation on the selected customers.

You also know that you have specific projects that need different indexations. Here you select the view option Index projects in the filter, add the indexation date in Latest indexation before and make your indexation on the selected projects.

You can also index on contract level, if you have special agreements with your customers. Here you select the view option Index contracts in the filter, add the indexation date in Latest indexation before and make your indexation on the selected contracts.

Finally, you can select the view option Index selected hourly rates that provide you the option to make detailed indexation on every project right down to each single hourly rate. Remember to add your indexation date in Latest indexation before.


In the filter in the top, you have the option to adjust the results in your view.

The field Latest indexation before can help you limit your search and only show customers, projects, contracts or selected hourly rates that you have not indexed after a specific date.

In the view options, you decide on which level you want to perform your indexation:

  • Index customers: Gives you the option to index all hourly rates per customer with a percentage
  • Index projects: Gives you the option to index all hourly rates per project with a percentage
  • Index contracts: Gives you the option to index all hourly rates per contract on each single project with a percentage
  • Index selected hourly rates: Gives you the option to index each hourly rate per contract on each single project with a percentage or amount that can be rounded automatically

Click Show.

Next to the Show button, there is an arrow which opens the opportunity to save the current filter or load and use previous filters You can collapse the filter, so you get more space for the results view.

Results view

Here you see the result of your search in the filter, and you can get started with your indexation.

All four view options provide you with an extra filter option via the action menu at the top right:

  • Show all
  • Show selected only
  • Show contracts with hourly rate deviations
  • Show contracts without hourly rate deviations

The last two can help you find the contracts where you have made deviations compared to your standard price list or your customer specific price list. When you select an hourly rate on a price list, it is also select in the specific results in your view, so you can always see the changes make their way to each single hourly rate.

Indexation on customer, project and contract level

  1. Enter the percentage in the field to the right of each line. If all are indexed with the same percentage, mark it over the list and enter it in the Same indexation for all field at the top
  2. Click Index selected at the bottom, which opens a new window
  3. Select if you want to round the hourly rates and how
  4. Enter a date
  5. Click Save

You can continue your work in the system while TimeLog indexes your hourly rates. You can get an overview of your previous indexations in the Indexation overview tab.

Indexation of selected hourly rates

  1. Enter the percentage in the field to the right of each line. If all are indexed with the same percentage, mark it over the list and enter it in the Same indexation for all field at the top
  2. Select if you want to round the hourly rates and how
  3. When you mark the fields, you still have the option to adjust each single hourly rate by changing either the percentage or the amount next to each hourly rate. Be careful where you add your checkmarks:
    - Next to the project: Gives all hourly rates on the project, no matter which contract, the same indexation
    - Next to the contract: Gives all hourly rates on the contract the same indexation
    - Next to the hourly rate: Only adds an indexation the exact hourly rate
  4. Click Index selected at the bottom
  5. Enter a date
  6. Click Save

You can continue your work in the system while TimeLog indexes your hourly rates. You can get an overview of your previous indexations in the Indexation overview tab.

Did you make a mistake along the way? You can always overwrite data with a new indexation on the same data and adjust your hourly rates.

Last updated 07 Jun 2023