Flex calculation in the timesheet


Via the timesheet, you can get an overview of the flex calculation for the period you see registrations for.


When you click the little triangle on the flex calculation field, a new window pops up.

Here you get an overview of your postings within the period. You can use the overview to see if you are above or below your normal working hours per day or for the period. Depending on your setup, you see the postings per today’s date or yesterday, and they are distributed on:

  • Date: Shows the date for all your registrations
  • Salary code: Shows which salary code your registrations belong to. You will see your normal working hours, project time and time registered on absence codes
  • Comment: Shows the comments you have added to your registrations
  • Hours: Shows the number of hours you registered on the code. You see one line per registration in the timesheet
  • Factor: Shows the factor set on the code, typically -1 or +1
  • Positive: Shows the positive postings from registration on projects and absence codes
  • Negative: Shows postings for your normal working hours
  • Total: Shows you the sum of registrations per day to the right and in total for the period at the bottom

The flex calculation is: (Project registrations + Absence registrations) – Your normal working hours per day = Balance for the period.

Please note: Absence codes may be set up to not affect your flex.

Last updated 07 Jun 2023