Contract types


Make the setup of your contract types in the system administration under Projects -> Contract types.


With contract types, you can categorise the revenue distribution across contracts and projects to match your reporting needs. You set up the contract type on each single contract, and you can enter types and names to fit your business.

Contract types

On the top of the page, you decide if contract types are activated and if the use of them is mandatory.

In the filter, you can choose to see active, inactive or all contract types. Click Show to update the list.

In the list you see the contract types available for the project managers when they create projects. You can click a type to change name and enter if it is active or inactive.

You can use the Select action menu to the right to delete, activate or deactivate one or more contract types.

Create new contract type

  • Click New contract type
  • Give the contract type a name
  • Click Save
Last updated 21 Jun 2023