Invoice designs


In TimeLog, you can customise a large part of the design of invoices, vouchers and reminders. For example, you can choose whether to include your company logo on invoices, and where to include it. You can also define how dates are displayed, which information is included on the invoice, etc.


There is no limit to the number of invoice designs you can create. This means that you can have different designs for private and public customers, foreign and domestic ones, etc. 

In this guide, we use the term “invoice” as a catch-all term for invoices, vouchers and reminders.

Accessing Invoice designs

The invoice designs page includes a table with all created invoice and voucher designs.

The table shows which design is the default TimeLog design for creating invoices and vouchers, as well as if the designs are active and if they are locked.

The Default design is recommended by TimeLog for creating invoices and vouchers from the project administration.

An Active design can be selected for creating invoices and vouchers from the project administration. Inactive designs cannot be selected for new invoices.

Locked designs cannot be edited, as TimeLog have made system changes to them. Only title, description and language can be edited, and they cannot be deleted.

Setting default designs

• To indicate the default design, simply click the radio button next to the designyou want to use. Choose one default designper invoice and one per voucher.
• Click Update to save your defaults.

Creating invoice and voucher designs

New designs are created either by clicking the New button above the table, or by clicking the appropriate Copy link to the right of the table.

If you click New, you must base your design on an existing one from the Copy from list. In this case, the default design is always selected in advance.

If you click Copy, the new design will be based on the information found in the given design.

Basing a new design on an existing one is preferable if you are to create a design that is almost identical to another.

The New and Copy from commands both lead to the New invoice design page for setting basic information on the invoice design.

  • Enter a design name in the Name field.
  • Enter a description of the design in the Description field (optional).
  • In the Type drop-down menu, select whether the design is for invoices or vouchers.
  • In the Copy from drop-down menu select which existing design to base the new one on (only available if you clicked the New button).
  • Click Save.

This leads you to the Edit invoice design page (applies to vouchers too) for configuring individual design elements.

  • Fill in all the fields, and click Save at the bottom to save your invoice design. The design is now available in the list of invoice designs when creating new invoices and vouchers in the project administration.
  • Select an invoice in the Select invoice drop-down menu, and click Print preview below the fields to view a sample invoice using the design you have just created. The invoices in the list are existing invoices found in TimeLog.

Fields on the Edit invoice design page

The Edit invoice design page consists of a number of sections with various sections. Almost all the sections contain Formatting and View options subsections as well as Show or Hide links.

  • The Formatting subsections typically let you select font and font size for section-specific fields, and where these are placed on the invoice.
  • View options allows you to define whether the section-specific fields are to be shown on all pages of the invoice or just the first one. You can also choose whether to display the invoice in single- or dual-column format, with or without a divider between sections.
  • The Show and Hide links are used for including or excluding fields on invoices, respectively. Clicking Hide next to a section or field removes the field from the final invoice, and you will not be able to edit the fields on the invoice design.

You find the following sections on the Edit invoice design page:

  • Top section
  • Dates and numbers
  • Invoice titles
  • Company logo
  • Recipient data
  • Invoice details
  • Page numbers
  • Invoice description
  • Invoice columns
  • Specification columns
  • Invoice totals
  • Payment terms
  • Footer
  • Bank information

Top section

  • The NameDescription and Type fields contain values from the New invoice design page. Name and Description are editable, while Type is locked.
  • Select the Language drop-down menu to define which language is used for reminders. When creating reminders, TimeLog will automatically insert a header, a message and two invoice lines in the selected language. This is easily changed, however.
  • If you do not want to have draft written on your draft printouts, you must untick Påtryk KLADDE markering på ikke bogførte faktura.

Dates and numbers

The Dates and numbers section is used for configuring date and number formatting on the invoice, as this may vary depending on country.

  • In the Format drop-down menu, select the date and number formatting for your country. Examples of date and number formatting are shown to the right.
  • The Date format drop-down menu lets you select short or long formats on your invoices.

In the Invoice titles section, you can enter the text you would like displayed at the top of invoices, credit notes, reminders and specifications.
Specifications are one or more pages which can be added to the invoice, credit note or reminder, complete with specifications for each item.

Company logo

The Company logo section allows you to select an image of your company’s logo and place it on the first page or on all pages of your invoices, credit notes, etc.

Recipient data

In the Recipient data section, you can specify recipient-specific text and information to include on your invoices.

  • In the EAN code field, enter the letters preceding Danish customers’ EAN codes to include on your invoices. In Denmark, EAN codes are used by public companies in particular, and this field can be hidden for invoices to non-Danish customers.
  • The Contact drop-down menu lets you select whether to place a contact name below the company name or below the address on the invoice. If you do not want to include contact names on your invoices, simply click the Hide link.
  • In the Prefix, contact field, enter the text (if any) you wish to include before the name of a contact, for example Att:.
  • In the Felter på kontaktpersoner, choose what titles should be shown, if any.

Invoice details

In the Invoice details section, you can specify texts to include before certain fields as they appear on your invoices.

• Each field (Invoice No.Invoice date, etc.) lets you enter text to precede the field values as shown on the final invoice.
• Use the Split in columns and Keep together view options to define whether invoice data are displayed in separate columns, or whether texts and values are merely separated by spaces.
• The system administration Number Series shortcut is on the far right of the screen, allowing you to configure TimeLog’s numbering of invoices, customers, projects, etc.

Page numbers

The Page numbers section lets you specify the formatting of page numbers and sums on your invoices.

This textbox Page numbers may include the following:
• The text Page is shown on all pages of the document. This can be changed to P. or Pg. or deleted entirely.
• The <#PAGE#> tag is replaced by the actual page number on the invoice. Do not edit or delete this tag.
• The slash between the page number and the sum can be changed to “of” or deleted entirely.
• The <#PAGESUM#> tag is replaced by the total number of pages in the invoice. Do not edit this tag. You can, however, delete it if you wish to exclude the page sum on the invoice.

Invoice description

The Invoice Description section contains view options for displaying the heading and Message fields on your invoices, or omitting them entirely. The Message field text relates to and expands on the header.
When creating invoices or vouchers in the project administration, you will notice an Invoice Description section with the fields Heading and Message as well. You can opt to include these fields on your invoices and vouchers in the invoice design.

Invoice columns

Invoice columns are the columns on invoices, vouchers, etc., showing individual goods/services purchased by the customer along with their number, unit price, etc.

The Invoice columns section also specifies which headers are included for each column on the invoice, and whether the columns are shown or hidden.

  • Enter the text you wish to display in connection with each field (DateItemDescription, etc.) on your invoice. If you wish to omit certain columns, simply click the Hide links.
  • Tick the Show units after quantity view option to add units (”hours”, “items”, “km”, “days”, etc.), to your invoice-line quantities, which will then appear as 7.50 hours in one line in the Quantity column (the value chosen for the Quantity column), and 14 items in another. If you untick the field, only the quantity is shown on the invoice, i.e. 7.50 and 14, respectively.

Specification columns

The Specification columns section also specifies which headers are included for each column on the specification pages, and whether the columns are shown or hidden.

Specification columns appear on individual specification pages and include detailed information on the numbers presented on the invoice. If you do not wish to include these specifications on a given invoice, simply specify so when creating the invoice.

  • Enter the text you wish to display in connection with each field (DateItemDescription, etc.) on your invoice specification page. If you wish to omit certain columns, simply click the Hide links.
  • Tick the Show units after quantity view option to add units (”hours”, “items”, “km”, “days”, etc.) to the quantity specification on your invoice, which will then appear as 7.50 hours in one line in the Quantity column (the value chosen for the Quantity column), and 14 items in another. If you untick the field, only the quantity is shown on the invoice, i.e. 7.50 and 14, respectively.

Invoice totals

The Invoice totals section specifies which texts appear in connection with the invoice totals.

  • Each field (Sub-totalCalculate VAT, etc.) lets you enter text to precede the field values as shown on the final invoice. If you wish to omit certain fields, simply click the Hide links.

Payment terms

Use the Payment terms section to specify how these are shown on your invoices.

  • If you select the Show payment terms in relation to 'Formatting' radio button, click the arrow in front of Formatting to expand this section and customise the position and appearance of payment terms.
  • The Edit payment terms shortcut is on the far right of the screen. Use it to select which terms are available when creating invoices and credit notes in TimeLog.


The Footer section lets you enter information and headers (if any) for invoice footers. Most companies include their name and address in invoice footers.

Use the Enter key on your keyboard to insert line breaks.

Bank information

The Bank information section shows which data are included on invoices, as well as the headers that precede them. Enter the headers you wish to include before the bank information on your invoices in the column in the middle, and your bank information in the fields far to the right.

Last updated 21 Jun 2023