Import of customers


Learn: How to import customers in TimeLog via Customers -> Search customers -> Import customers.


TimeLog allows the import of customer data from files separated by semicolon, tab, or comma in .txt or .csv formats.

Step 1

  • Click Customers in the Main Menu or TimeLog CRM (F3), and click Import customers in the Actions menu.
  • Select the file to import using Browse and correct the import specifications if necessary, to correspond to the import file’s data. Click Next.

Step 2

  • Select the Customer status and Owner to attribute the imported files to in TimeLog. The selection will affect all contracts in the import file.
  • Select No under Auto-generate an event in TimeLog CRM if the contact should imported only, and you do not wish to create events for each imported contact.
  • Click Next.

Step 3

At this stage of the import, choose the data columns from the import file that should be imported as either Customer or Contact information.

  • For each column in the import file choose which data type the imported data should be associated to (Customer and Contact). The designated name comes from the column heading in the import file.
  • The Customers column contains company information, while the Contacts column contains contact details. If the contact is connected to a company, that company name should also appear in the import file.
  • The drop-down menus in the Customers and Contacts columns represent data fields in TimeLog where the data from the import file will be entered. The import file’s data must be chosen in one of the two columns, either Customers or Contacts.
  • In the Customers column the data file can contain the following fields: Company, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Area code, City, State, Country, Phone, Fax, E-mail, web page, VAT-no., Comment and Industry code.
  • In the Contacts column the data file can contain the following fields: First name, Surname, Full name, Title, Customer (company name), Address 1, Address 2, Area code, City, State, Country, Phone no., Cell phone no., Home no., Fax, E-mail, Birthday, Comment.
  • If a column in the import file should be left out, select Omit in the drop-down menu.
  • Data from the three top rows in the import file are shown to the far left.
  • Select which columns from the import file should be added to which data base fields in TimeLog using the drop-down menus and click Next.

Data from the import file will then be compared to the existing customer data in TimeLog.

Step 4

In this step of the import process, the result of the comparison between the data from the import file and TimeLog’s data is displayed. The coloured buttons to the left indicate that certain import data needs further attention.

  • If none of the imported data overlaps with TimeLog data, the radio button next to the Field name will be green, and the radio button in the New column will be ticked.
  • If some of the data overlaps, the radio button will be yellow, and the Exclude column will be ticked. Click the plus icon to show all import data and manually select each data field in the import.
  • Once changes have been made, the Replace column will be ticked, and any existing data in TimeLog will be overwritten.
  • After a run-through of the data and any necessary changes, complete the import by clicking Next and then clicking OK in the pop-up window.

Step 5

This step briefly describes the result of the import.

  • Click on Close window to end the import and return to TimeLog.

The imported data is now available in TimeLog.

Last updated 21 Jun 2023