Salary account specification


With this report, you get a quick overview of your salaried time registrations and adjustments on the single salary accounts.


The report is especially good to get an overview of your registrations, so you get a total picture of how much time you have tracked on vacation, over time and flex. The options depend on the setup you have made in the system administration.


In the top of the filter, you select which salary account and period you would like to look at. You can also select to view all accounts at once. If you check Show adjustments to the right, you get an extra column showing the adjustments for the period.

Results view

When you click Show, you get a list with your name and period to the left, and your salary accounts are listed in separate columns to the right.

In each column you see how many hours or days that are registered incl. the balance. If you have enabled it, you can also see when the adjustments where made. Please note that your salary accounts may be in different formats, and it will be written in brackets next to the name of the salary account in the top of the column. If you have set up salary rules with automatic accumulation, the system adds the accumulations as adjustments to the salary account and shown as adjustments in the report here.

If you have selected a long period and scrolls down the list, you will see a filter icon to the left. If you click it, you are taken back to the filter and can perform a new search.

Special remarks

It is possible to save your filters, so you do not need to set your filter manually each time you need to perform a search.

Click the small arrow next to the Show button and select Save this filter. Hereafter, you will always be able to find your saved filter, if you click the small arrow.

If you have a filter, which you wish to use as default, you can set it under Page settings (click the gears icon in the top right corner), where you can select from your saved filters. If you mark Load data automatically, then the data will show in the results list right away, when you access the page.

Last updated 07 Jun 2023