Data extraction: Absence and salary codes


This report is well suited for when you need a list of all data on employee absence and salaried time within a specific period.

The report is especially good for exporting data to Excel for further processing.


In the filter, you have several options to define your search. Select filtering and click Show.

If you would like to select inactive codes and accounts, you need to mark the checkbox under Filter options. In this way, your selection lists will contain both active and inactive absence and salary codes and accounts.

When you have selected an employee, you can click the info icon to see more details about the employee, e.g. job title and contact details.

View options

Under View options, you can select different extra columns, which you would like to see in your view. Mark the ones you would like to see, so you get more data in your view.

As default, your view is in the registration format, e.g. days, hours, amount or yes/no. The registration format is decided by your setup of each single code in the system administration.

Please note: If you have a salary code, where the registration format is Yes/No, it will be listed as 1 for Yes and 0 for No in the report.

If you would only like to see registrations made in hours, you select Show in hours. Thereby you will not see registrations in other registration formats.

Special remarks

It is possible to save your filters, so you do not need to set your filter manually each time you need to perform a search.

Click the small arrow next to the Show button and select Save this filter. Hereafter, you will always be able to find your saved filter, if you click the small arrow.

If you have a filter, which you wish to use as default, you can set it under Page settings (click the gears icon in the top right corner), where you can select from your saved filters. If you mark Load data automatically, then the data will show in the results list right away, when you access the page.

Last updated 07 Jun 2023