Hogia Lön


You set up the integration in the System administration -> Integrations & API -> Integrations.


The integration creates a salary file, which you can export from TimeLog and import into Hogia Lön.


We recommend you to activate Employee ID in TimeLog to ensure correct file creation.

  1. Go to the System administration ->Employees -> Employee module settings
  2. Check Show employee ID
  3. Enter an ID on each employee

We recommend you use the same ID as in Hogia Lön.

Connection setup

  1. Click Add Hogia Lön
  2. If you use TimeLog MLE, select legal entity and click Activate

Main setup of file export

  1. Enter File prefix: Adds the specified text as the first part of the file name when you export data
  2. Select your version of Hogia Lön

Optional setup

  • Transfer only approved time registrations and expenses: Limits the integration to only select the registrations and expenses approved by a manager within the selected period

Select salary data for transfer

  • Flex: Adds the flex hours for the selected period
  • Salary specification: Adds the time tracked on salary codes, e.g. paid overtime
  • Absence: Adds the time tracked in absence codes, e.g. vacation
  • Allowances: Adds the registrations from travels
  • Expenses: Adds the amounts from the expenses
  • Mileage, km: Adds the number of kilometers driven
  • Project time: Adds the time tracked on projects

Confirm integration setup

The system automatically detects, if you’ve completed all the steps. Click Activate and you’ve set up the integration.

Now you’re ready to create the salary file via the Transfer salary data page.

Special remarks

To make sure the file is created correctly, you need to activate Employee ID in the system administration under Employees -> Employee module settings, and then enter an ID on each employee. It is a good idea to use the same IDs as in Hogia.

Last updated 21 Jun 2023